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The Wilson family have been caring for horses for over forty years.


The Sanctuary is one of very few Horse Homes in the country to continue to offer permanent retirement facilities.  Together over the past forty years we have converted our farm from agriculture to Mr Mouse Farm for Unfortunates and Tettenhall Horse Sanctuary.  The philosophy behind the name is that we vowed always to live in the pleasant world of childhood dreams like Mr and Mrs Mouse created by Beatrix Potter.  We also have for 25 years taken in unfortunate children and slow minded adults who are taught the care of equines and other animals to better them in life.



We understand that you want the very best for your horse, which is why we continually strive to improve our own high standards.  Our dedicated team are committed to ensuring that all our horses enjoy life, liberty and natural freedom, in comfort and grazing happiness.



We offer a permanent retirement home to those horses that are in need and have a provider.  However, because of the volume of requests for retirement and the out service that we provide in rescuing horses across the area our facilities and finances are under constant pressure.  You will therefore understand there is an obvious need for you the previous owner to help fund the keep of the horse.


Finances –

                        The Facts


  • It costs on average £30/70 per week to provide each horse with staff, food, field and barn livery.

  • e.g. :- Good pasture land costs £15,000 per acre to buy, to support one horse and little else.

  • Horses can live up to 45 years of age in this tranquil environment.

  • Horses requiring intensive care can cost formidable amounts in veterinary treatment.

  • As a dedicated sanctuary, our charitable nature and supporters cover some of our running costs.




  • Each new horse that comes here must have a fund provider.

  • The average contribution to running costs is £3.50 per day, per horse.

  • The effective way of contributing is by covenanted bank debit.

  • Extra help:-  Set up a sponsor fund raising group in your local area.

  • Set up a web online fundraising page and E mail your friends all over the world.

  • You will be required to pay £1000 deposit plus 3 month advance payment £300 and pay quarterly in advance.


If after studying the criteria required and if you decide that you want your horse to enjoy the facilities here at the Sanctuary, you may take the next step with a personal visit by appointment.


  • Veterinary Costs.  We will keep you informed of any necessary treatment and give you the very best opinion on care or continuing care.


We urge you to think very carefully about your horse’s future and take time to consider the alternatives.  You must make the right decision for your own peace of mind and for your horse’s future happiness.  If you need further advice or help in coming to that decision, we will be happy to talk through the alternatives with you, without any obligation except a donation to our work.


  • If it becomes a case of large expensive veterinary, you will be advised on the quality of life.


  • You must remember that Horses live a long time here. 5 Ponies who came here in 1978 are still enjoying a vet free life.



Fund Providers Pledge


Pledge 1 :  A donation of £10 should be sent to arrange your personal appointment with Mr Billy Wilson.


Pledge 2  : A holding sum of £1000 for veterinary emergency treatment or euthanasia needs to be deposited with us before the arrival of the equine.  This will provide necessary or emergency veterinary treatment and field burial if the sad end has to be faced (Individual graves by quotation).


Pledge 3 : The fund provider would need to fund a minimum of £300 per quarter for each equine’s keep. Equivalent to £3.50 per day. This applies to the daily care of an outliving horse which will join one of our herd families. This includes routine veterinary (worming, delousing etc), farrier trimming. rugging and barn shelter in awful weather. Equines requiring everyday stabling or specialised diets would need separate assessment and an employed groom.


The above funds may be assisted by fundraising eg:


Sponsored Fund Raising  Many people today enjoy energetic tasks  (abseiling, marathon etc.) and gather funds from colleagues who can enjoy your strenuous efforts. We will help and advise.  This is our online giving service.  You can set up a page and E mail your known world to sponsor you and your horse.


Car boot sales, craft fair, coffee mornings, sponsored events these are individual choices of putting personal effort and endeavour to use.


A word of wisdom with your horse in mind – Over 5000 Unwanted Horses in Britain


No doubt you, like many others in similar circumstances, have a great affection and debt of  honour to your horse.  A debt which says ‘you must do the correct thing for the Horse’s future’.  Remember the Horse in retirement when all stresses are removed can live on average up to 45 years of age or longer.


If you cannot fund the minimal keep in a retirement situation or become a fund-raising organiser, then do not be foolish and expect someone else to do it!  With all of my experience I do not know of any reputable charitable organisation that will take in a non-rideable Horse for its lifetime retirement without income such as legacies, debentures etc.


There are lesser known organisations with ‘do good’ hearts and inexperienced financial heads that might, but what future are you offering your horse?  Enclosed is a cutting from Horse and Hound that may disturb you. 


When you have tried all avenues to retire your horse and come to an uncertain conclusion, you must consider the veterinary advised solution of euthanasia,  you can then be certain that no miserable sentence is meted out to your beloved Horse. 


Burying the old horse under the pasture he has spent his life on is in my opinion the way to keep his spirit and love with you.  I spend part of my day standing over the graves of all of our many departed friends,the inspiration from their spirits is overwhelmingly awesome.



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